Coca Cola

At Work

Coca Cola HBC is starting with new channels development. Dedicated New Channel Team is establishing clear targets for coverage expansion in e-commerce and at work business.

At Work business covers companies (canteens and break corners), education outlets, tenders, hospitals and hostels, developing coolers placement and vending business. E-commerce, on the other hand, is becoming more prevalent in digital sales year on year. Because of that, we are working on establishing educational workshops with our retailers, making quartal working and promotional plans.

Coca Cola Case Logo
Coca Cola Case At Work Logo

Ketering kompanije, dostava hrane&pića

Vending mašine

Javna preduzeća i druge kompanije koje zahtevaju tendersku prodaju

Nezavisne kantine / direktna saradnja

Coca Cola Case Study Bottle

Brake Corner Branding

The Beauty of Every Success

At work team has an access to relevant companies, catering houses, education institutions and tenders for government-owned companies. CCH has currently managed to cover 600 outlets with 320 coolers placement ( *256 old and 320 new), 10 CCH vending machines and 50 operators’ vending machines agreed by CCH. The number of 600 outlets includes 320 break corners and 280 canteens. We are working in cooperation with 4 e-commerce retailers Univerexport, Delhaize, IDEA and 1 eFood retailer

Coca Cola Case Study Branding
Coca Cola Case Study Branding
Coca Cola Case Study Branding

Digital presentation

At Work Digital Presentation

New opportunities and long-term cooperation with KA customers.

Coca Cola Case Study Digital Presentation

Digital presentation for retail use

Reaching to our customers

Defined communication with customer’s relevant services. Jointly created plan for improvement online channel. Suggestions to the customers for changes on websites. Defined legal restrictions for online business. Identify potentials and opportunities for activation on the sites. An agreement on sharing data and activating online promotions.

Coca Cola Case Presentation
Coca Cola Case Study Presentation
Coca Cola Case Study Presentation
Coca Cola Case Study Presentation

Web baner design

At Work web banner design

Early shoppers’ recruitment leads to sustainable revenue growth and we have to start on time. We are negotiating with, E lakolije (Univerexport), and we are going to start working with Idea online and Metro.

Coca Cola Case Study Web Banner Design
Coca Cola Case Study Banner
Coca Cola Case Study Web Banner
Coca Cola Case Study Banner
Coca Cola Case Study Web Banner